Press of Atlantic City: NJ rapidly making its bad business climate worse - Garden State Initiative



Press of Atlantic City: NJ rapidly making its bad business climate worse

May 31, 2018


“Now that they have the governorship as well as control of the Legislature, the state’s Democrats have wasted no time increasing the burden on New Jersey’s heavily regulated and taxed businesses,” writes the Press of Atlantic City in an editorial.

“Sick-leave benefits, which already were provided by a majority of businesses, have been made mandatory. The existing protections against discrimination in pay have been strengthened and the liability of employers increased. Higher taxes on businesses are sure to be part of the budget deal Gov. Phil Murphy and the Legislature must conclude by the end of June.”

“Even a golden goose couldn’t stay healthy with this amount of bleeding, but New Jersey’s economy already has lagged behind that of the nation for the past decade.”

Read the full editorial here.