PODCAST: Electric Cars for Everyone in New Jersey? - Garden State Initiative

PODCAST: Electric Cars for Everyone in New Jersey?


PODCAST: Electric Cars for Everyone in New Jersey?

September 18, 2023


Welcome to the GSI Briefing podcast – featuring guest host Audrey Lane, Policy Director of the Garden State Initiative.

By now you’ve probably heard that Governor Phil Murphy is following California’s lead and signing a directive that will ban the sale of gas powered cars in New Jersey by 2035. Left unsaid is how realistic the proposal is and what will it take to meet an all electric future.

Here to discuss the governor’s mandate and other issues regarding electric vehicles is Mark P. Mills, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a faculty fellow at Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science. Mr. Mills is the author of a recent research report, Electric Vehicles for Everyone The Impossible Dream, which offers a reality check on those who think a ban on gasoline cars is easily obtainable, let alone a panacea for climate change.

In addition to his duties at the Manhattan Institute at Northwestern, Mr. Mills is also a strategic partner with Montrose Lane, an energy tech venture fund. Previously, he co-founded Digital Power Capital, a boutique venture fund, and was chairman and CTO of I6 Technologies, helping take it public in 2007. She is the author of numerous books and host of the Last Optimist podcast.

Mr. Mills has been published widely in national publications and is a regular presence on cable and network news. He has testified before Congress numerous times and briefs state public service legislators. Mr. Mills served in the White House science office under President Reagan and subsequently provided Science and technology policy counsel to variety and private sector firms, the Department of Energy and US Research Laboratories.

Early in his career, Mills was an experimental physicist and development engineer at Bell Northern Research and the RCA David Sarnoff Research Center on microprocessors, fiber optics and missile guidance. Earning several patents for his work. He holds a degree in physics from Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada.