
  1. Education, Energy, Public Spending

    2024 Intern Spotlight

    November 8, 2024
    New Jersey Needs More Budget Transparency Ahana Dasgupta, George Washington University For state government to truly serve the people, there must be more transparency in New Jersey’s budget process. More than $600 million worth of last minute budget amendments and…
  2. Public Spending, GOVERNMENT THAT WORKS

    New Jersey Needs More Budget Transparency

    November 8, 2024
    For state government to truly serve the people, there must be more transparency in New Jersey’s budget process. More than $600 million worth of last minute budget amendments and their sponsors were finally disclosed weeks after the budget was passed…
  3. Education, Public Spending

    Overhaul the School Funding Formula

    October 18, 2024
    New Jersey's school funding crisis has escalated to a boiling point, and it's not looking pretty. As state funding cuts have recently been enacted, impacting up to 140 districts around the state, the sobering reality is setting in, with some…

    Trenton’s Health Benefits “Solutions” Fail NJ Taxpayers

    June 5, 2023
    A new report issued by the New Jersey State Treasury, researched by Aon, a management consulting firm, made the startling revelation that taxpayers are paying an exorbitantly higher rate for public employee health benefits than other employers. This,  despite claims…
  5. Governor Murphy, Public Spending, Uncategorized, GOVERNMENT THAT WORKS

    Study: New Jersey Ranks Low in Providing Value to Taxpayers

    March 27, 2023
    In defending New Jersey’s high taxes, Gov. Phil Murphy has often cited a “value proposition” of what state residents are receiving in return for their taxes, which rank among the highest in the nation. A new study challenges that assertion…
  6. Governor Murphy, NJ Legislature, Property Tax, Public Spending, AFFORDABLE PLACE TO LIVE

    Reality Check: Governor, NJ’s Taxes Aren’t Going Down

    November 7, 2022
    New Jerseyans have developed a thick skin when it comes to tolerating what can only kindly be called the “exaggerations” of our politicians in Trenton. However, Gov. Phil Murphy’s Sunday op-ed on (Gov. Murphy: I pledged to do something…